When Selling Your Business…Experience is Important

Experience is worth millions.  Selling your business is a once in a lifetime event.  Deciding on who will represent you in the sale of the business may mean the difference between selling your business and closing your doors.  For business owners, this is a high stakes decision.  When studies show that up to 85% of an owner’s personal wealth is tied up in his business, there is no option for the owner other than assuring that the job is done right.
Someone that has completed numerous business transactions has seen the good, bad, and ugly.  They are business intermediaries that have the experience to pull through turbulent waters to get to the closing table.  They are business brokers that have seen the last minute issues pop-up that become potential deal killers. They are deal makers working with all of the other business advisors such as attorneys, accountants, lenders, to make sure that everything comes together to complete the business sale.  When selling a business, the company does not get sold overnight.  It takes time to find the right business buyer for the company.  An experienced business broker will maintain confidentiality while qualifying buyers.
Business owners must concentrate on maintaining their business while letting an experienced professional look for mergers or candidates for the acquisition.  Emotions often become driving factors of a business sale and a skilled business broker can help the buyer and seller separate irrational decision making from the facts.  Experience is not a commodity.  It cannot be shopped for price.  I have learned in life that experience comes at a cost; however there is a return on this investment.  In the case of selling a business, the return on investment can easily be worth tens of thousands.

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